I scored on a mahogany table today off Craigslist! I needed a dining table because I hosted a Nature by the Drop blending lab tonight and did not have a dinning table.
Holly and I had two ladies come who knew a little about essential oils, but have not come to one of our labs yet. They each made a few items. My 7 year old daughter made herself a spritzer – she loves blending too!
I feel like I want to tell you more about these blending labs. We play an essential oil ice breaker to begin. Usually a new person has no idea what they want to make or what to expect from these labs. There are so many oils to choose from that it can be over whelming. So we purchased a deck of informative cards; each card features an essential oil and describes all the qualities of that particular oil. We each randomly choose a card and share what it says and then smell that oil. It is fun to see everyone light up when they discover they can really use the oil they chose for a particular purpose they happen to be working on lately.