Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Investment Club Meeting: December Holiday Party

The investment club had a regular meeting and annual holiday party this evening. Out of the 15 guests from last month's Open House, there were seven prospective new members who attended this regular meeting tonight (first of two meetings they are required to attend). That is such a good feeling to see so many interested -- that tells me we are group offering something very worth while!

At our December meeting we always vote the new officers in for the New Year. I will remain the treasurer. Our current secretary will remain as secretary. We will have a new president and new vice president -- which speaks volumes about the personal growth of these two ladies! ... And we got a lot of business done! I love productive meetings like this one.

Our hostess for this meeting had hidden a Christmas fairy in her living room and for whomever found it she had a gift. I found it! She gave me a book called Green Investing, A Guide to Making Money through Environment-Friendly Stocks by, Jack Uldrich. I'll read it and let you know what I think of it.

And we did a journaling activity this evening. All of the members agreed -- we were pleasantly surprised by how all the guests tonight openly shared their results of this journaling activity.

Meet Copia

In Roman mythology, Copia is the Goddess of Abundance. Her name means ‘abundance’. In addition it means ‘plenty’, ‘wealth’, ‘opportunity’ and ‘resources’. She carries a cornu copia overflowing with the fruits of harvest and wealth. “The Horn of Plenty”; a magical goat’s horn the gives everything anyone desires. It is important to mention that Copia is often associated with Fortuna, the Roman Goddess of Fortune, Luck and Fate.

But I did not purposefully name this blog after Copia. I was looking for a word that described a life of truth and integrity. I like the word authentic; Authentic Life. But it appears that many others on the internet like that word too. I also like the word intelligent; Intelligent Life. But John Tesh uses the phrase “Intelligent Life” on his radio shows. Then came the word copious; Copious Life.







14th century Middle English, from Latin copiosus, from copia abundance, from co- + ops wealth


Ample; abundant; plentiful; plenteous; opulent; rich; full; exuberant; overflowing; full.


1 a: yielding something abundantly; a copious harvest, copious springs. b: plentiful in number; copious references to other writers.

2 a: full of thought, information, or matter b: profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style; a copious talker.

3: present in large quantity: taking place on a large scale; copious weeping, copious food and drink.

Well, okay so this word will do. I know I want plenty of what ever it is I desire in my life; money, healthy, patience, joy etc., … So I’ll sign up and create a copious life!

When pronounced, copious sounds very similar to Copia’s. After researching and discovering a linguistic connection these two words have, I thought Copia was quite nifty! Since this blog is about money and I think women (mostly) will read this blog, I gave Copia a purse (because most women can relate to having a purse) instead of a goat’s horn.

So there you have it. That is who Copia is. Hopefully she resonates inside each of us.

Cheers to a life of abundance – A Copious Life!