Thursday, June 26, 2008

First Loads to the New House

I had some friends help me and we took the first two loads over to the house in Carmel today. I will be gone Friday night and all day on Saturday (bad timing). I’m sure I shared that I got the job as office assistant at my kids’ school. They go to a Waldorf Charter School in Pacific Grove. So as an employee I am required to go to one-day overview training of Waldorf education at the Rudolph Steiner College in Northern California. I am keeping the faith that my move will go smoothly on Sunday and Monday when I return.

Meet Copia

In Roman mythology, Copia is the Goddess of Abundance. Her name means ‘abundance’. In addition it means ‘plenty’, ‘wealth’, ‘opportunity’ and ‘resources’. She carries a cornu copia overflowing with the fruits of harvest and wealth. “The Horn of Plenty”; a magical goat’s horn the gives everything anyone desires. It is important to mention that Copia is often associated with Fortuna, the Roman Goddess of Fortune, Luck and Fate.

But I did not purposefully name this blog after Copia. I was looking for a word that described a life of truth and integrity. I like the word authentic; Authentic Life. But it appears that many others on the internet like that word too. I also like the word intelligent; Intelligent Life. But John Tesh uses the phrase “Intelligent Life” on his radio shows. Then came the word copious; Copious Life.







14th century Middle English, from Latin copiosus, from copia abundance, from co- + ops wealth


Ample; abundant; plentiful; plenteous; opulent; rich; full; exuberant; overflowing; full.


1 a: yielding something abundantly; a copious harvest, copious springs. b: plentiful in number; copious references to other writers.

2 a: full of thought, information, or matter b: profuse or exuberant in words, expression, or style; a copious talker.

3: present in large quantity: taking place on a large scale; copious weeping, copious food and drink.

Well, okay so this word will do. I know I want plenty of what ever it is I desire in my life; money, healthy, patience, joy etc., … So I’ll sign up and create a copious life!

When pronounced, copious sounds very similar to Copia’s. After researching and discovering a linguistic connection these two words have, I thought Copia was quite nifty! Since this blog is about money and I think women (mostly) will read this blog, I gave Copia a purse (because most women can relate to having a purse) instead of a goat’s horn.

So there you have it. That is who Copia is. Hopefully she resonates inside each of us.

Cheers to a life of abundance – A Copious Life!